Проклятие любви

Проклятие любви / Саксонская невеста / Saxon bride

Когда монаху Максену Пендери сообщили о том, что его брат убит, он загорелся жаждой мести. Стремясь утолить свой гнев, он бросается в погоню за убийцей, не обращая внимания на предсказания колдунов и многочисленные опасности, не зная, что в конце этого пути он найдет для себя... невесту.

Оригинальная анотация:

Once Maxen Pendery was a man of God. Then he was told that his brother had been murdered by a lying saxon wench, and he knew he could not rest until he took revenge. Yet when he finally captured Rhiannyn of Etcheverry, something unexpected stirred within him. True, she was breathtakingly lovely, but never once did she use her woman's wiles to battle him, only her sharp tongue and strong will....leaving Maxen torn between his duty and an agonizing truth: he would do anything to conquer this golden-haired maid, even if the price were his very soul....

With strong arms and smoldering eyes, Maxen held her close. Yet Rhiannyn swore she would never accept this Norman blackguard as her lord, vowed she'd never tell him the dark truth about his brother's death. But just as Rhiannyn began to believe she could hold out, she discovered a different side to the fiercely handsome warrior...one that could fan the passion that lurked beneath her Saxon pride - one that could put her innocent heart in peril...

Время и место действия: Англия, 1068 год.

Дата выхода романа: 1996 год

Перевод : О.В. Яшковой

Печаталась в издательствах:

*** Русич , 2003 (Серия: Белая роза)
*** Русич , (Серия: Алая роза)

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