Вернись ко мне

Вернись ко мне / Come Back to Me

Самого смелого и самого безжалостного из викингов, прозванного Драконом, обожали братья по оружию и страшились женщины... все, кроме юной Рикки, вынужденной бежать от смертельной опасности. Рикка должна просить у Дракона помощи и защиты... однако дерзкая гордячка не умеет умолять. Гораздо проще покорить сурового норманна душой и телом - и пробудить в его сердце неведомое доселе пламя жгучей, истинной, неодолимой страсти!..

Оригинальная анотация:

In late-ninth-century England, King Alfred is on the throne, and an uneasy peace reigns between the Norse and Saxons thanks to his efforts. What better way to ensure this alliance than to forge marriages between the two? This is the foundation of Litton's trio of engaging novels. Dream of Me begins the saga with the tale of the infamous Viking, Wolf Hakonson. Wolf wants peace for his people and offers marriage to Cymbra, sister of the powerful Lord Hawke of Essex. Believe in Me tells the story of Hawke and his intended Norse bride, the fey Lady Krysta; and the final volume, Come Back to Me, involves Dragon Hakonson, Wolf's brother, and the strong-willed Saxon, Lady Rycca. Although suspension of disbelief is required a bit more in the second book than in the other two because of some dabbling in magical realism, all three share the same wonderful characteristics as they take the reader on an enjoyable journey through a well-drawn period of history. The setting, an integral part of the stories, comes vividly to life and is skillfully woven into the fabric of the characters' experiences. The characters themselves are magnetic and fully dimensional. The large and powerful men and the women, each different but with her own special "gift," are smart, funny, and believable. Readers will be captivated as each relationship unfolds, and as the series closes, they'll be anxious to devour Litton's next trilogy.

Время и место действия: Англия, IX век.

Дата выхода романа: 2001 год

Перевод: Э.Г. Коновалов

Печаталась в издательствах:

*** АСТ, 2003 (Серия: Шарм)
*** АСТ, 2003 (Серия: мини-Шарм)
*** АСТ, 2005 (Серия: мини-Очарование)

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