Отважный викинг Коль Торлекссон был спасен от верной гибели женщиной. И теперь твердо намерен отплатить прекрасной саксонке Изабел добром за добро. Однако когда воины Севера снова вторгаются в Британию и Изабел становится пленницей Коля, король моря не находит в себе сил отпустить на свободу женщину, которая зажгла в его суровом сердце пламя подлинной страсти…
Оригинальная анотация:
Isabel, the favored but wild princess of Calldarington was never happier than escaping the confines of the keep where unfettered, she could race her horse across the land. When a sudden storm ripped through the sky she was tossed from her horse's back into the river and nothingness. The coldness of the river was soon replaced by the strength and warmth of the arms that encircled her and upon opening her eyes, the crystal blue eyes of the guardian angel that rescued her. When next she awoke it was to discover that her rescuer had been accused of attacking her, tortured and imprisoned by her half-brother King Ranulf. Creeping from her bed, Isabel descended to the dungeon, found her rescuer, more dead than alive, and helped him to escape.
Two years later, her angel Kol Thorleksson returned at the head of his Viking army to extract vengeance against Ranulf, the king whose `hospitality' had almost killed him. During the battle, Ranulf escaped leaving behind his two sisters one of which Kol would recognize as the young innocent he'd rescued from the river, the one he could not wrest from his mind, the one he thought was a peasant girl - Isabel. To his dismay, gone was that innocence. This Isabel looked upon him with a passion born of hatred and loathing, believing that he had molested her when she was unconscious leaving her ruined and pregnant. Someone fathered her child and Isabel was convinced he did. Kol knew without a doubt he did not. As Isabel's hatred for Kol burned her being, Kol would do all in his power to convince her of his innocence and gain her good graces, even as he planned to use her to draw her brother, his enemy back into his hands.
Время и место действия: Англия / Норвегия, X век.
Дата выхода романа: 2006 год
Переводчик: Н.В. Волкова
Печаталась в издательствах:
*** АСТ, 2007 (Серия: Очарование)
*** АСТ, 2008 (Серия: мини-Очарование)
*** АСТ, 2008 (Серия: мини-Шарм)
- Интересный роман. Было, правда, несколько моментов когда казалось, что герои топчутся на месте, но финал компенсировал все незначительные недостатки романа. Рекомендую.