Воспевая рассвет

Воспевая рассвет / Chanting the Dawn

Красота, доброе сердце и чудесный дар юной целительницы Брины околдовали молодого принца. В борьбе за свою возлюбленную ему пришлось не раз подвергать себя смертельной опасности. Но ни тяжелые испытания, ни чары старого колдуна, ни великие битвы королей не смогли помешать двум любящим сердцам...

Оригинальная анотация:

Brynna's tender heart and healing arts worked their magic on the magnificent, wounded warrior. His fiery gaze rested on her beauty, lighting sudden fierce longings in her soul...yearnings she felt could never be fulfilled. For Brynna was the last hope of her Druid line, while the stranger's luxurious gold mane marked him as a Saxon--and her enemy. Wulf's gentle caresses blazed like shooting stars through Brynna's senses. Joined to oppose a murderous alliance, they struggled in vain against the irresistible song of their passion.

To save Brynna's honor, Wulf would endanger his very life...but to love her Saxon prince, Brynna must risk her Druid heritage and abandon a solemn, ancient pledge. The journey before them would be fraught with peril, filled with adventure, and empowered by their love...for no one and nothing could part Brynna and Wulf from their splendid destiny!

Дата выхода романа: 1991 год

Перевод : А. Холшевниковой

Печаталась в издательствах:

*** Олма-Пресс, 1998 (Серия : Купидон-Романс)
*** Олма-Пресс, 2001 (Серия: Бестселлер века)

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